Structure and Terms of Reference
Chair | Vice-Chair | Local Authority Representative | Staff | Co-opted | Parent | Associate |
Mrs P Sneath | Mr D Stone | Mrs W Hall | Miss A Bowden - HT | Mrs D Swinburn | Ms S Aungiers | Mrs J Phillips |
Mrs W Hall | Mr L Clough | Mrs H Shepherd | ||||
Mr P Wilson | Mrs M Bowman | |||||
Mrs N Milne | Ms T Jackson | |||||
Mr G Robinson |
Monitoring Link Governors | ||
Safeguarding & Data Protection | Mr L Clough | Termly - Leadership & Management |
SEND | Mrs W Hall | Annually - Quality of Education |
CIC | Mrs P Sneath | Annually - Personal Development |
Health and Safety | Mr G Robinson | Annually - Finance & Resources |
Premiums | Mrs N Milne | Termly - Quality of Education |
Full Governing Body
Core Function
Strategic Direction:
- Give clarity of vision and ethos and along with school leaders, ensure this is communicated to the whole organisation
- Engage stakeholders
- Meet all statutory duties
Create Robust Accountability:
- Use information from Headteacher and committees to provide challenge and hold leaders to account for teaching, achievement, behaviour and safety
- Strengthen school leadership, including the skills of the Governing Body
- Performance management of the Executive Headteacher
- Contribute to school self-evaluation and evaluation the Governing Body’s impact
Ensure Best use Of Financial Resources
- Use solvency and effective financial management
- Use of Pupil Premium and other resources to overcome barriers to learning
Acountability Actions:
- Approve the School Improvement Plan priorities and monitor throughout the year progress towards agreed actions
- Ensure there is a transparent system for performance management Of all staff which is clearly linked to the school’s priorities. Have oversight Of staff performance throughout the year
- Ensure there are mechanisms in place to listen to and respond to the views of parents/carers, pupils, staff. local communities and employers.
- Agree recruitment process to be followed in relation to Senior Leader posts; where delegated ratify appointments
- Final approval of the annual budget plan
- Monitor the school’s budget throughout the year
- Agree virement and expenditure limits for the Headteacher
- Hold at least 3 meetings each academic year.
- Ensure that committee meetings are held in accordance with the agreed terms Of reference
- Ensure all statutory policies are in place and there is an effective policy review cycle
- Ensure school website is up to date and compliant with current DfE requirements
People and Structures:
- Elect and/or remove Chair of Governors and Vice Chair of Governors
- Appoint Committee Chairs or delegate to each committee.
- Consider and agree deleption of functions to individuals or committees
- Agree committee terms of reference and membership
- Establish a register of Governors business interests
- Ensure Governors information on the Get Information About Schools (GIAS) register and the school website is up to date and compliant with current requirements
- Confirm the Instrument of Government and subsequent amendments
- Appoint Co-opted, Local Authority and where necessary Parent Governors to the Board
- Review and monitor the Governor Induction Process
- Where necessary, suspend or remove Governors from the Board
- Appoint/dismiss the Clerk to the Governing Body
Quality of Education
Terms of Reference:
General Terms:
- To act on matters delegated by the full governing body and to consider, respond and feedback to the Full Governing Body as appropriate
- To liaise and consult with other committees where necessary
- To contribute to the School Improvement Plan
- To consider safeguarding and equalities implications when undertaking all committee functions
Curriculum Planning and Delivery:
- To review, monitor and evaluate the curriculum offer
- To recommend for approval to the full governing body School Self-Evaluation
- School Improvement Plan including targets
- To develop and review policies identified within the school policy’s review programme and in accordance with its delegated powers
- To ensure that the requirements of children with special needs are met, as laid out in the Code Of Practice, and receive termly reports from the SENCO and an annual report from the SEN Governor
Assessment and Improvement:
- To monitor and evaluate the impact and quality of teaching on rates of pupil progress and standards of achievement
- To monitor and evaluate the rates Of progress and standard Of achievement of pupils, including any underachieving groups
- To set priorities for improvement, and monitor and evaluate the impact of improvement plans which relate to the committee’s area of operation
- To regularly review and develop the Assessment Policy and to ensure that the policy is operating effectively
- To consider recommendations from external reviews of the school (e.g. OFSTED or Local Authority Advisors), agree actions as a result of reviews and evaluate regularly the implementation of the plan
- To advise the Finance and Resources committee of relevant funding priorities necessary to deliver the curriculum
- To ensure the school meets the requirements of SEN and relevant disability legislation
- To ensure the school work effectively with other agencies to support vulnerable children and their families
- To identify and celebrate pupil achievements
- To oversee arrangements for education visits, including the appointment Of a named co-ordinator
- To monitor and evaluate the impact and quality of the remote learning offer provided and review the impact that this has on pupil progress
- To monitor and evaluate the use of the Catch up Premium to ensure that gaps are diminished and progress has been accelerated
Chair – N Milne:
W Hall
A Bowden
P Sneath
D Swinburn
G Robinson
H Shepherd
J Phillips
M Bowman
Early Years Curriculum Development – Mr P Wilson
More Able Early Years – Mrs N Milne
More Able Primary – Mrs P Sneath
English – Mrs D Swinburn
Wider Curriculum – Mr G Robinson
Maths – Mrs P Sneath
Premiums – Mrs N Milne
SEND – Mrs W Hall
Leadership and Management
Terms of Reference
General Terms:
- To act on matters delegated by the full governing body and to consider, respond and feedback to the Full Governing Body as appropriate
- To liaise and consult with other committees where necessary
- To contribute to the School Improvement Plan
- To consider safeguarding and equalities implications when undertaking all committee functions
Accountability Actions:
- To review and develop a Governor Improvement Plan, taking into account statutory guidance, Current policies, procedures and requirements
To Monitor and Evluate:
- The effectiveness of leadership and management, including governance.
- The behaviour management of school leaders
- The implementation and impact of all policies and procedures related to staffing
- All feedback from any staffng review on the quality of teaching as judged through the appraisal process, and the impact of development plans for school improvement
- The impact of continuing professional development on improving staff performance
- The fulfilling of responsibilities reprding child protection and he requirements of “Keep Children
- Safe in Education”
- The reports on oversight of staff health and well-being. including staff work/life balance, working conditions, the monitoring of absence for all staff and the management Of absence procedures
- The British Values and PREVENT strategy
- The school’s publicity. public presentation and relationships with the wider community
- All statutory requirements for reporting and publishing information are met and the school website content is fully compliant and presented in an accessible way
Mr D Stone
Mrs P Sneath
Mrs W Hall
Miss A Bowden
Mr L Clough
Governor Induction, Skills Audit – Mrs D Swinburn
Transition and Amalgamation – Mrs P Sneath
Safeguarding & Data Protection – Mr L Clough
Governor Improvements – Mrs P Sneath
British Values & PREVENT – Mrs D Swinburn
Stakeholder Engagement – Ms S Aungiers
Finance and Resources
Terms of Reference
General Terms:
- To act on matters delegated by the full governing body and to consider, respond and feedback to the Full Governing Body as appropriate
- To liaise and consult with other committees where necessary
- To contribute to the School Improvement Plan
- To consider safeguarding and equalities implications when undertaking all committee functions
Accountability Actions:
- In conjunction with the Headteacher, to draft the first formal budget plan of the financial year for approval by the Full Governing Body
- To monitor income and expenditure, including virement decisions, and consider spending proposals for other committees
- To ensure the schools operate within the financial regulations of the County Council and the requirements of the Schools Financial Value Standard
- To consider and promote income generation
- To ensure that the annual accounts of all voluntary funds are held by school are audited, submitted and noted
- To ensure that adequate provision is made to make buildings safe and secure
- To ensure that buildings and learning environments are maintained and fit for purpose
- To ensure that the school provides and healthy and safe environment for pupils, staff and visitors and ensure that the schools meet health and safety requirements
- To review the Health and Safety Policy regularly
- To oversee the use of premises by outside users
Chair – D Stone
P Sneath
D Swinburn
A Bowden
N Milne
G Robinson
T Jackson
Health and Safety – G Robinson
Headteacher Expenditure and Virement Levels
Virement Limits:
- up to without prior approval for emergency cases
- up to {5.000 with approval from Chair of Governors or Chair of Finance and Resources Committee
- Above {5.000 with appropriate Governing Body or Finance and Resources Committee approval
Expenditure Limits:
- Any item Of expenditure up to {5,000
- Above this limit, if item was previously notified to the Governing Body
- Prior Governing Body approval to be sought outside this limit
Virements or expenditure, outside of these limits would be reported at the earliest opportunity.
Disqualifications – When there may be a a conflicy of interest; a fair hearing; or a pecuniary interest.
Behaviour, Attitudes and Personal Development – Including Pupil Discipline First Committee
Terms of Reference
General Terms:
- To act on matters delegated by the full governing body and to consider, respond and feedback to the Full Governing Body as appropriate
- To act as the First Pupil Discipline Committee for permanent and fixed term exclusions
- To liaise and consult with other committees where necessary
- To contribute to the School Improvement Plan
- To consider safeguarding and equalities implications when undertaking all committee functions
Accountability Actions:
An annual review of the Behaviour Policy to be inclusive of vulnerable and special needs children
To ensure that the school creates a safe. calm, orderly and positive learning environment
To review the management of incidents of poor behaviour to be timely, consistent and effective
To review all pupil exclusions (internal. fixed term and permanent) to be timely, consistent and effective
To review pupil attendance and punctuality to evaluate behaviour. including vulnerable and special needs children
To ensure effective transition arrangements for pupils from Nursery to EYFS
To ensure effective transition arrangements for pupils from Y6 to secondary education
To ensure the schools provision for all vulnerable groups (e.g. Looked After Children) and ensure all their needs have been identified and addressed, and to evaluate their progress and achievement
To ensure all children and staff have equal opportunities and the school adopts an inclusive ethos
To complete an annual review of parent feedback regarding the development of their children and take any actions necessary
- To ensure that the British Values and Protected Characteristics strategies are followed.
Chair – W Hall
D Stone
P Sneath
A Bowden
L Clough
S Aungiers
P Wilson
M Bowman
Attendance, Puctuality & Exclusions – D Stone
Cultural Capital – L Clough
Child in Care – P Sneath
Careers – N Milne
British Values and Protected Characteristics – D Swinburn
Pay Review & Staff Dicipline (first)
Terms of Reference
General Terms:
- To act on matters delegated by the full governing body and to consider, respond and feedback to the Full Governing Body as appropriate
- To liaise and consult with other committees where necessary
- To contribute to the School Improvement Plan
- To consider safeguarding and equalities implications when undertaking all committee functions
Accountability Actions:
To consider and approve:
- The staffng structure & staffing issues including staff reductions
- The Teacher’s Pay Policy adopted by the Governing Body
- HR policies and procedures adopted by the Governing Body related to staffing
- Decisions relating to a member of staff (other than the Executive Headteacher) under the Personnel procedures adopted by the Governing Body (unless delegated to the Executive Headteacher)
- Information on Teachers’ pay awards. in relation to the school policies and procedures
- All feedback from any staffing review on the quality of teaching as judged through the appraisal process, and the impact of development plans for school improvement
- All decisions regarding the recruitment and appointment of staff
- To act in accordance with the Teachers’ Pay Policy when carrying out the annual review of teachers’ salaries
- To consider complaints under the School Complaints Policy
- To consider staff disciplinary, grievance and ill health matters in accordance with the procedure adopted by the Governing Body
- To act in accordance with any decisions under HR procedures where the Headteacher is the subject of the action
- To hold an annual review of the staffing structure in consultation with the Headteacher and Resources committee
Headteacher Expenditure and Virement Levels
Virement Limits:
In accordance with the School Staffing Regulations 2009. Governors reviewed existing decisions relating to the delegation of staffing functions to the Executive Headteacher.
The Governing Body delegated to the Executive Headteacher and at least one other member of the School Senior Leadership Team to appoint outside the Leadership Group to:
- Permanent teaching staff posts
- Permanent support staff posts
- All temporary staff
The Governing Body delegated to the Headteacher and at least three members Of the Leadership and Management Committee to appoint within the Leadership Group (excluding Headteacher).
The Governing Body delegated to this Committee for all dismissals.
Conduct, Capability, Performance and Discipline Staff Matters:
The Governing Body delegated all matters to the Executive Headteacher or to the Chair if the Executive Headteacher was the subject of any proceedings
Chair – P Sneath
D Swinburn
N Milne
W Hall
D Stone
Terms of Reference
General Terms:
- To act on matters delegated by the full governing body and to consider, respond and feedback to the Full Governing Body as appropriate
- To liaise and consult with other committees where necessary
- To contribute to the School improvement plan
- To consider safeguarding and equalities implications when undertaking all committee functions
Accountability Actions:
- To consider any appeal againsy a decision made by the Pay Review & Staff Discipline Committee or Headteacher Performance Management Committee
- To consider any appeal against a decision under the personnel procedures adopted by the Governing Body
- To consider any appeal against selection for redundancy
Chair – L Clough
S Aungiers
P Wilson
G Robinson
HT Performance Management
Terms of Reference
General Terms:
- To act on matters delegated by the full governing body and to consider, respond and feedback to the Full Governing Body as appropriate
- To liaise and consult with other committees where necessary
- To contribute to the School improvement plan
- To consider safeguarding and equalities implications when undertaking all committee functions
Accountability Actions:
- To arrange to meet with the School Leadership Advisor (SLA) to discuss the Executive Headteacher’s performance management targets
- To ecide with support from the SLA whether the targets have been met and to set new targets annually
- To minitor throughout the year the performance management of the Headteacher against the targets.
- To make recommendations to the appropriate committee in respect of awards for the successful meeting of set targets
Chair – P Sneath
D Stone
D Swinburn
W Hall