RSE is a hot topic right now in primary education, and you might be asking yourself – what is the meaning of RSE?
RSE stands for “Relationships and Sex Education” and as part of Relationships and Health Education, is a new approach to teaching children about relationships and health.
The new Relationships and Health Education 2020 curriculum is designed to:
- Help all children grow up healthy, happy and safe.
- Give all children the knowledge to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships.
- Support all children to manage the challenges and opportunities of modern Britain.
- Prepare all children for a successful adult lives.
By the time a child finishes primary school, they will have been taught about the following in Relationships Education:
- Family and people who care for them.
- Caring friendships.
- Respectful relationships.
- Online relationships.
- Being safe.
Here are some resources to support Parents and Carers with RSE discussions at home:
Talking to your child about Relationship Education – A Guide for Parents and Carers
RSE – Useful Resources to Support Discussion
RSE – Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Relationships Education and Online Safety – A Guide for Parents and Carers
All About Puberty – A Guide for Parents and Carers
If you need further support, our RSE Leader, Mrs Woods, can be contacted via the school office.