School Noticeboard

Welcome to the Spring Term!

Wow – this week has been an exceptionally cold start to the year! The children are now settled back into routine following the Christmas break. It has been great to chat to them and hear about their adventures. This week, I have spoken to all of the staff about the...

Happy Christmas!

Today, we close for the Christmas break. It has been a magnificent term and everyone has settled into our new school exceptionally well. The children have worked hard in lessons throughout the term and should be very proud of the progress that they have made. Keep it...

Christmas Performances 2024

We are looking forward to all of our performances with some of these beginning next week. The children have all been working hard and have a real treat in store for you. Please note that tickets are not required for the performance as we have split the performances...

Celebrating OFSTED

As you know, the Primary were visited by Ofsted on 11 and 12th June for a graded inspection. We are delighted to share with you that we received GOOD judgements in all areas. Our children are the heart of the school and we are so proud that their polite, courteous and...

Final Half Term at Ox Close

It was great to welcome the children back on Monday for the final half term of the academic year but also our final half term as Oxclose Nursery and Ox Close Primary School.  It is hard to believe how fast time has gone this year! The final half term is always a busy...

Happy Half Term!

All of the children have worked exceptionally hard this half term - well done to each and every one of you. Keep it up for the rest of the academic year which already looks to be jam packed with lots of exciting activities! We hope you have a fabulous half term break...

Welcome Back to the Summer Term

It is great to have all of the children back in Nursery and School following the Easter break for our final term as Ox Close Federation. They have all settled back into routine well and we have been thrilled to welcome new children to the Nursery. The Summer Term is...

Happy Easter!

We have had another amazing term across the Federation! It has been great to see the children engaged, motivated and making great progress with their learning. We have had opportunities for parents/carers to join us in school and more of these are planned for the...

Leadership Update

Dear Parents/Carers, I am contacting you to provide an update regarding the leadership of Ox Close Federation. As you may be aware, Mr Harrison has not been in Nursery or Primary for a number of weeks as he has been unwell. He has now made the decision to leave the...

Amazing Half Term

What a great start to 2024! The children have worked very hard and made great progress across the half term. Well done to each and every one of you. Keep it up next half term! There have been lots of exciting lessons taking place across the Federation and it has been...

Children in Need – Food Bank Collection

WOW, WOW, WOW! We have been overwhelmed once again to receive so many food donations from families – we appreciate every single one. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!  Your wonderful donations have all been delivered to St Paul’s Food Bank, where they were gratefully received....

Happy Half Term

What a fabulous start to this academic year - we are very proud of all of the children and how they have settled in to the routine of their new class, especially children who joined us in September. The children have worked very hard and made great progress with their...

Primary School Photographer

The school photographer will be visiting school on Tuesday 24th October. If you would like a family photograph including pre-school children, please come to the school hall for 8.15am. If you would like a family photograph including children from different classes,...

Football Success

Well done to our two school football teams who have been competing in the Go Well League at Whitworth Park Academy for the past 4 weeks. After some impressive goals and performances, our Yellow team managed to get a draw tonight which helped them secure a 6th place...

Welcome Back

On behalf of all of the staff and Governors, we would like to welcome you all back to Ox Close Federation as we begin this exciting year. It has been lovely to see the children and parents once again after the summer break. A special mention goes to our new starters...

Happy Summer!

Thank you to each and every child, every member of staff and all of the parents and carers for their efforts, hard work and huge smiles throughout this year. Ox Close is a fabulous community where the children are the heart of everything that we do – it is a special...

Ox Fest – 30.06.2023

Friday 30th June is getting closer ... and the excitement is growing.  Shortly, you will receive your child's 5 vouchers to "spend" on the activities which will be available on the field during the afternoon.  There will be some live music throughout the event, as...

Remote Learning Activities – 28.02.2023

The following classes are closed on Tuesday 28th February due to NEU Industrial Action: - RC - Mr Crowther’s Class - RP - Mrs Paxton’s Class - 5C - Mrs Cox’s Class - 6P - Mrs Payne’s Class Please find below some suggested remote learning activities for the children to...

Happy Christmas!

We hope you all have a lovely Christmas holiday. Thank you for your continued support in 2022 and we all look forward to seeing you in 2023. Children return to school on Thursday 5th January 2023.

Happy New Year

It has been great to welcome the children back to school after the holiday and they have all started 2022 with a spring in their step. They have worked very hard in lessons and also had lots of fun.

Christmas at Ox Close

Christmas has well and truly reached Ox Close and we have lots of activities planned in the final week to make it extra special. Here is a round up of the main events: Monday 13th December  Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 visit the Winter Wonderland Year 3 and 4...

Welcome Back Team Ox Close!

It has been great to have all of the children back in school this week. They all looked very smart and had big smiles on their faces. We have heard all about their adventures over the summer holidays - you have all been very busy! Our new children in Reception have...

Be a Champion

We are always looking at ways to enhance the wellbeing of our pupils and we are delighted to announce that we are offering our pupils the chance to take part in an exciting new challenge, which is being organised by former Leeds Rhinos Rugby League player, Jamie...

Team Ox Close back together

It has great to have all of the children back in school this week. The smiles and cheers on Monday morning was lovely to see and hear. They have all had a fabulous week, worked hard and adapted well to our new routines. We hope that you all have a lovely weekend.

School Reopening – Monday 8th March

Good news - we are back! As you are most likely aware, the government have announced that all school are to reopen from Monday 8th March to all pupils. We are very excited to see all of the children and get back in to a new routine in school. We are sure, that like...

Remote Learning Offer

When children are required to be at home, and unable to attend school - the learning does not stop at Ox Close Primary. Since October 2020, schools have been required by law to provide effective education to those children who are unable to access face to face...

Spring Term – End of Week 2

Huge well done to all of the children for being amazing this week – we have had great levels of engagement once again in the live lessons and the children in school are also working very hard. Staff have been really impressed with all of the work that has been coming...

Spring Term – End of Week 1

Well done everyone - you have all worked extremely hard. It has been great to see the keyworker children working hard in school but also to see all of the amazing virtual learning and live lessons going on. Take care and have a lovely weekend, Team Ox Close

Final Newsletters

Good Afternoon, Please find below 3 important newsletters to round off the Summer Term: Federation Newsletter- 17.07.2020 Governing Body Newsletter - Summer 2020 Edition Ox Close Friends Newsletter - July 2020 We hope you all have a lovely Summer and can’t wait to...

Memories of the Year!

Thank you for all of your help with the children's memories and good luck messages, and thank you for your continued support throughout this difficult year. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we have. Have a wonderful summer. Stay safe and we will see you in...

Welcome to Years 1 and 2

We know that it has been a very different end to the year for the children and we have not done our usual transition. To help with this, as well as the Zoom calls which we have planned for Wednesday 15th July, we have written some letters for the children and parents....

Update Letter – 27.05.2020

Please find below update letter regarding the wider reopening of schools: Update Letter - 27.05.2020 - Federation As stated in the letter, the school will not be open more widely next week. This will be reviewed on Wednesday 3rd June. The Emergency Childcare will...


Please find below an important update letter: IMPORTANT - Update Letter for Parents and Carers - 14.05.2020 - All Year Groups The next letter is additional information for Nursery and Reception parents/carers: IMPORTANT - Update Letter - 14.05.2020 - Additional...

Support for Reading in Key Stage 1

Reading is an essential part of children’s learning. When they are at school, this is a skill that we practise on a daily basis.  Mrs Phillips has put together a help sheet for parents, with some useful hints and tips for supporting reading at home. Support for...

Our CLT goes green!

On Monday, our Children's Leadership Team met with Hannah from Eco Smart Schools to think about the ways in which Ox Close can contribute to caring for our environment. We talked about the ways in which our Earth can be damaged and came up with an Eco Code to be...

Happy New Year

We would like to wish everyone associated with the school a very successful 2020 on behalf of Team Ox Close. We have enjoyed hearing about the various gifts and experiences which the children have relished over the festive season. We hope that you all had a wonderful...

Happy Christmas

Team Ox Close would like to wish everyone a Happy Christmas. We hope that you all have a lovely break and we can't wait to see you in 2020 to make more amazing memories. Children return to school on Monday 6th January.

History at Whitworth Park

This morning, Mrs Shepherd and Mrs Franklin took a small group of Year 5 children up to Whitworth Park School to take part in a sample History lesson, taught by Miss McDermott. We learnt all about medieval wars and why there were so many conflicts, plotting a range of...

Year 5 Visit to Whitworth Park School

Mrs Shepherd, Miss Todd and the 5/6 team were delighted to take our Year 5 cohort up to Whitworth Park School today for their first taster sessions ahead of their transition to secondary school. Their behaviour was exemplary and all children fully engaged with a range...

Dementia Workshops

Years 5 and 6 were excited to welcome Nicole from Appleton Lodge today to talk about the work of the Alzheimer's Society in our local area. We thought sensitively about the problems that dementia can pose on a daily basis and the ways in which we can support others by...

Visit to the Cenotaph

Ox Close was proud to send our Children's Leadership Team to the Remembrance service at the Cenotaph today to lay our wreath. Our children were impeccably behaved and acted as fantastic ambassadors at such an important event. It was wonderful to see them alongside so...

Mini Police at Ox Close

This afternoon, our Mini Police from Years 5 and 6 have been working as a team to clear the grounds of rubbish. Their litter picking session has certainly helped our school look much tidier, but has also shown how both staff and pupils are working to develop our...

Croft Circuit Racing

Yesterday, six children from Year 5 took the kit car that they had built with Mrs Cox over to Croft Circuit to race against around 15 other teams from different schools. Having worked together to construct, wire and decorate their vehicle, the children took part in...

Crank It Up!

On Friday 5th July, Year 5 took two teams off to Beamish to compete in the Crank It Up competition. They had the chance to present and test the cranes that they had constructed out of K'Nex, as well as the group presentations that they had put together. They did a...

Father’s Day Lunch

Thank you to all our visitors today who made the Father's Day Lunch such a success.  It was clear that everyone enjoyed the Fish and Chips but, more importantly, they enjoyed the company of so many different people. A big thank you also goes to Mrs Longhorne and the...


The final report from our recent OfSTED inspection is now available - a copy has been sent home with the children but can also be read by clicking on the link below. Ox Close Primary - March 2019 It reads incredibly well and is absolutely full of positives, reflecting...

Fun to Cook – Spring Term 2019

This term, a small group of children have been lucky enough to work our school cook, Karen, and catering company, Taylor Shaw, on an exciting initiative called Fun to Cook. Over the four sessions, the children have learnt some simple recipes and discussed healthy...

Red Nose Day 2019

Our bake sale was a huge success - everyone enjoyed making, buying and most importantly eating the delicious treats. A great way to raise money for Comic Relief. Well done Team Ox Close. [gallery order="DESC" type="slideshow" size="large"...

Year 5 Science Fair

Year 5 children have had a fantastic morning today at the Durham University School of Education Science Fair.  When we arrived, the BA (Hons) students greeted us and made us feel very welcome.  We spent the next two and a half hours exploring all manner of Science. ...

Exciting English for Year 5

Year 5 came into school this morning to discover an extraordinary event had occurred over the weekend! We were shocked to find a meteorite had landed on school grounds on Sunday night. Using witness statements, the children investigated the who, what, where, when and...

KS2 Judo Festival

29 of our children from Years 5 and 6 were chosen to attend a Judo festival on Wednesday at Spennymoor Leisure Centre. Not only were they a credit to our school with their super effort and listening skills, they also thoroughly enjoyed the four different activities on...

Open the Book

It was lovely to welcome the group from Open the Book to Ox Close again today, to hear the story of Joseph and his coat. We look forward to the conclusion in the coming weeks, hopefully with some more of our very own students in starring roles alongside our guests!

Back to School Information – September 2018

Back to School Information School starts back on Tuesday 4th September at 8:45am. We can’t wait to see you all and start another great year at Ox Close. New Reception children and parents - please can you arrive and meet in the school hall at 9am. We are looking...


We are delighted to be able to share th outcome of our recent OFSTED inspection with you. Ox Close Primary School continues to remain a 'GOOD' school. The inspector was very impressed with the school, pupils and staff and found evidence of outstanding practice. This...

Easter Egg Fun

What amazing entries we had from all the children! Thank you to everyone for their efforts. Have a look at our winning entries below: Huge thank you to Hays Travel...

Autism Awareness Week

This week has been Autism Awareness Week and the aim of the week is to raise awareness of the condition, Autism. Schools across the country take part in order to raise awareness of autism and encourage inclusion and acceptance of children with autism. At Ox Close, all...


The school will be inspected by Ofsted on 20th March 2018. The letter for parents and a guide to school inspections can be downloaded by clicking the links below.   Letter to Parents School Inspections - A Guide for Parents

Wind Road Boys

Our KS2 children have been working with Enter CIC as part of theie upcoming production of Wind Road Boys. This project has been organised and funded by the Mayor, Ian Machin. All children were involved in the inital workshops and from those a small number of children...

School Uniform

We have a new supplier for uniform. Cre8ive Graphics is based at Peel Street in Bishop Auckland. Parents can either order in person at the shop or online via the website link below. Cre8ive Graphics Online Ordering

Key Stage Two Homework

We are thrilled to be trialling a new and exciting homework system with Key Stage 2 between now and the Christmas holidays. The aim is that the children find the homework more enjoyable, parents find the tasks and timescales manageable and most importantly, that...

Meet The Teacher 2017 – EYFS

Huge thank you to all the parents/carers that managed to pop along to our Meet the Teacher night on Tuesday 19th September. If you didn't manage to come along then please find a copy of the PowerPoint below:   [gallery size="large" type="slideshow"...

Meet The Teacher 2017 – Years 1 and 2

Huge thank you to all the parents/carers that managed to pop along to our Meet the Teacher night on Tuesday 19th September. If you didn't manage to come along then please find a copy of the PowerPoint below: [gallery order="DESC" type="slideshow" size="large"...

Meet The Teacher 2017 – Years 3 and 4

Huge thank you to all the parents/carers that managed to pop along to our Meet the Teacher night on Tuesday 19th September. If you didn't manage to come along then please find a copy of the PowerPoint below: [gallery order="DESC" type="slideshow" size="large"...

Meet The Teacher 2017 – Years 5 and 6

Huge thank you to all the parents/carers that managed to pop along to our Meet the Teacher night on Tuesday 19th September. If you didn't manage to come along then please find a copy of the PowerPoints below: [gallery order="DESC" type="slideshow" size="large"...

It’s Up 2 U

On Saturday 4th February, our bid for It's Up 2 U funding was successful. Miss Bowden attended Spennymoor Leisure Centre and members of the public voted for various causes. It was fantastic to hear that our bid had been successful. The money will go towards brand new...

Relax Kids

On Wednesday morning, we had a terrific response from parents who attended a Relax Kids session. Debra Forth ran the session and gave parents a very valuable insight into the work that she is doing with some of our children.

School Closure – Industrial Action

As a result of industrial action by Teaching Assistants taking place on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th November, the following closures will take place: Wednesday 23rd November RB (Mrs Bowman) and RS (Miss Smith) closed all day. All other classes remain open as...

School closures due to industrial action

As a result of industrial action taking place on Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th November, the following closures will take place: Tuesday 8th November RB (Mrs Bowman) and RS (Miss Smith) closed all day. 3/4C (Mrs Cox) and 3/4Th (Mrs Thompson) closed in the afternoon...

MindEd for Families

MindEd for Families is an online advice service and support you can trust. Is your child in crisis? Are you worried about them? Perhaps you just want some parenting tips. This site will help you understand and support your child. Please find the link for the website...

Proposed Extension

Please find attached below a PowerPoint detailing our proposed extension from the meeting held for residents.  Also located below is a link which will take you to the online planning. Proposed Extension Ox Close Primary online planning

National Curriculum – Parent’s Guide

Please feel free to download the Parent's Guide to the new National Curriculum. This guide is intended to support parents. Obviously it would be impossible to set out in detail everything your child would learn during their six years of primary education, but by...

Durham Music Service

  We are delighted to continue our partnership with Durham Music Service. We are aware that at times you may have questions that the school office can't answer. Please follow the link below to the Durham Music Service...

Oxclose Nursery and Wrap around care

We are fortunate to have a terrific partnership with Oxclose Nursery, an outstanding well established nursery school. Our Reception children take advantage of the nursery facilities each day. The nursery which is on our site, offers wrap around care to our children....


We are delighted to be able to use Sam Jackson and Scout Ed as our Outdoor Education consultants this year. Sam has already started working with our children and he will work with all classes over the course of the year. Information about Outdoor Education Please open...

More Judo Success

More Judo Success

Mae Bostock enjoyed amazing success in the National Schools Judo Qualifiers in Nottingham last weekend. After triumphing in each of her four contests, Mae was awarded a gold medal! She now moves forward to the finals in Sheffield where she will represent the school on...

International School Award

International School Award

There was good reason to celebrate in October when the school successfully achieved the International Schools Award. The award was presented at a prestigious ceremony, which was held at the Tyneside Cinema in Newcastle. Miss Robson had submitted the application before...

Sportshall Athletics County Finals

Sportshall Athletics County Finals

Last week, 20 boys and girls from Year 5 and 6 qualified for the Sportshall Athletics Finals at Sunnydale Leisure Centre. The athletics competition consisted of numerous individual and team indoor events, such as the ‘speed bounce’ and the ‘obstacle relay’. The...

Pirate Day 2014

On the 26th September 2014 we held our annual Pirate Day. Once again the children looked magnificent in their costumes! We would like to thank everyone for their efforts. Our Pirate Day aims are to have fun and to raise money which allows us to fund visitors to the...

School Council and Brass at Beamish

On Wednesday 22nd April, we took part in Beamish Museum’s ‘Old King Coal’ event. The brass players performed and Mr Leighton and Mr Heron carried the school banner during the parade. On this occasion, the weather was also very kind! School council joined the brass...

Bishop Auckland Food Festival

This week, our School Nutrition Action Group (SNAG) were lucky enough to work with the Bishop Auckland Food Festival Education Programme. The children enjoyed a morning of food experiments and cooking challenges. They thoroughly enjoyed ‘erupting’ some of their...

Judo Success

At the weekend Mae & Jake both fought at the BJC Open National Judo Championships at Kettering. Jake competed in the boys under 27kg and won a National medal,coming third in a very tough group of boys. Jake narrowly lost to the eventual winner by a small,Yuko...