Welcome to Reception Class – Mrs Bowman and Mrs Paxton
Scroll down our class pages to see the curriculum in action through photos and evidence of our work.
Welcome to Reception class page. Here you will find important information about our routines, curriculum and general information. We will also keep you updated each week about the amazing activities we have been getting up to at school. Please scroll down to keep up to date with our class blog.
Children will begin to learn Action Words this half term. Five new words will be learnt (1 a day) and sent home in their Action Word Book as they are learning them. Please keep this book in your child’s book bag ready for their reading day and practice reading them every day at home. Reading books and reading records will be sent out after October half term. Children will begin to learn to read through Read, Write, Inc. New letter sounds they have learnt will be brought home on a sheet. Please practice recognising each sound and forming it every day.
After Christmas, homework will be sent home on a half termly basis. It will consist of ‘Pick and Mix’ activities for you to enjoy with your child.
PE takes place on Wednesday afternoon – children should bring their full PE kit the first Monday of the new half term and we will keep it in school for the remainder of the half term, unless it needs to be washed. Please name all of your child’s kit. No jewellery – earrings must be removed either by the child or before they come into school.
Please make sure that your child has the correct PE Kit:
- Black shorts, white t-shirt and trainers
- No football or sports tops please.
- Tracksuit bottoms for outdoor lessons.
Reception Class 2020 – 2021
Week beginning 10.05.21
This week the children have enjoyed finding clues in the outdoor area and reading the words that were hidden in the different areas. The children read the words and then drew a picture to show what it was. It was a great challenge and the children got very tired running around to look for the hidden words.
Week beginning 03.05.21
This week children have enjoyed reading words around the classroom. Then one child decided that they would write some CVC words to put up around the classroom for their friends to read. They all had a fantastic time reading and writing words inside and outside of the classroom. Well done everyone.
Week beginning 26.04.21
This week we have been learning about the life cycle of a seed. We looked at different seeds and talked about what they would grow into. We then talked about how best to plant a seed and what we needed. The children were very independent and planted their own seeds.
Week beginning 19.04.21
This week the children have enjoyed using the Wood work area. We have been learning about safety in this area and how to use hammer and nails corectly.
Week beginning 12.04.21
This week the children have been working hard with their counting and their reading. We have played games where children have had number cards and have put them into the correct order from smallest to largest. We have played Splat, where the children read the Action Words and Splat the correct one. This one was really fun and very popular.
Week beginning 22.03.21
This week the children have enjoyed using the large water area. They have been learning about measuring, comparing, pouring and floating and sinking. Some children have enjoyed making models of aliens. They have come up with designs for their alien and names for them too.
Week beginning 15.03.21
This week the children have enjoyed working in the Creative Area making different vehicles. Some children made large cars for themselves and others made smaller vehicles for toys in the classroom. The children’s independent skills are improving in this area and they are also now helping each other when they are finding something difficult.
Week beginning 08.03.21
This week the children have been enjoying working in the Mud Kitchen. They have made it into a restaurant, serving pizza, sausages and chips. The children were learning how to add water to their mixture. Some children added too much and had a very watery dinner!
Week beginning 23.11.20
This week the children have been enjoying writing signs and drawing pictures. We even had a visit from the Grinch. The children loved getting messages from him and drew pictures and wrote lots of letters to him.
Week beginning 16.11.20
The children have shown an interest in magnets this week. They have been investigating which materials are magnetic and which ones are not. They had a lot of fun using their own magnets to test things in the classroom.
Week beginning 09.11.20
This week we have been clearing up all of the leaves that have blown into our outdoor classroom. The children were a great help, picking leaves up and putting them into wheelbarrows and bin bags, taking turns and working as a team.
We have been looking at the sounds we are learning in RWI and practising writing them. We have enjoyed writing them in glitter.
Week beginning 02.11.20
This week the children have been very interested in light and dark and fireworks. They have been using the playdough to make their own fireworks and using lovely language to describe them. We have had whizz, pop, bang, beautiful colours etc. Also this week our amazing caretaker, Gary, brought in a car that he had made. It has a steering wheel, gearstick and seats for 5 children. The children think it is fantastic and they have taken turns to use the car. Thank you so much Gary.
Week beginning 19.10.20
This week we have followed the children’s interest around Halloween. We have set up a potion room in the role play area, where children can read spells and add ingredients to their cauldrons. The children have enjoyed making potions outside in the tuff tray. They have added rice, leaves and glitter to their potion and have loved talking about what their potion is for. They have enjoyed using the coloured playdough to make witches, ghosts, pumpkins and spiders. Some of the children copied the photo prompts we put out for them.
Week beginning 12.10.20
This week we have been exploring how to use our new Mag Genius. We have loved finding out how to use the magnetic shapes to make different structures. We have had towers, shops, castles and dens for dinosaurs! We have also enjoyed playing in the Mud Kitchen. We have been making fantastic soup and cutting up leaves to add as salt, pasta or pepperoni. The ideas are endless.
Week beginning 05.10.20
This week we have been making puppets and doing our own show. We had an audience and made tickets for children to come in. We had a break and sold popcorn. Some of us made our own obstacle course to move around on, practising our balancing skills.
Week beginning 29.09.20
This week we have been learning how to look after animals. Our role play is now a vets. We have talked about what we need to do to look after animals. We have also been making our own café and cooking food to sell to other children.
Week beginning 21.09.20
This week we have been talking about the features of our faces. We decided to make different faces using metal objects. They look really good.
We also looked at measuring, talking about whose line was longer/shorter, the longest, the shortest. The children had lots of fun making their lines.
Our display is now finished. The children painted themselves and wrote their names. We called it Guess Who? Can you find your child?
Getting to know you
We have all been getting to know each other over the last few days. We have been having lots of fun finding out what there is to do in the classroom and outside too. We have made playdough cakes and biscuits, built sandcastles in the sandpit and practised our balancing skills on the bikes and scooters. All of the adults have been very impressed with how well the children come to school each morning as well as how they are showing good listening skills whilst at school.