Welcome to Reception Class
Scroll down our class pages to see the curriculum in action through photos and evidence of our work.
Welcome to Reception class page. Here you will find important information about our routines, curriculum and general information. We will also keep you updated each week about the amazing activities we have been getting up to at school. Please scroll down to keep up to date with our class blog.
Children will begin to learn Action Words after half term. Five new words will be learnt (1 a day) and sent home in their Action Word Book as they are learning them. Please keep this book in your child’s book bag ready for their reading day and practice reading them every day at home. Reading books and reading records will be sent out after October half term. Children will begin to learn to read through Read, Write, Inc. New letter sounds they have learnt will be brought home on a sheet. Please practice recognising each sound and forming it every day. These sheets do not need to come back to school. They are for you to keep so that you know the sounds your child should be able to recognise.
PE takes place on Wednesday afternoons – children should come to school in their PE kit. Please name all of your child’s kit. No jewellery – earrings must be removed either by the child or before they come into school.
Please make sure that your child has the correct PE Kit:
- Black shorts, white t-shirt and trainers
- No football or sports tops please.
- Tracksuit bottoms for outdoor lessons
See what we are learning: EYFS Long Term Planning
June 2002
The children have all enjoyed learning about different animals and the names of the babies. We saw lots of animals and their babies on our trip to Hall Hill Farm which gave the children an opportunity to use the names in a real life context. We also learned lots about the animals and what they eat and how to look after them.
This month was Father’s Day and we welcomed lots of adults into the setting. Everyone took part in some PE challenges as well as using some ICT in the classroom. We all had a brilliant time.
May 2022
We celebrated Bee Day this month. We found out lots of facts about bees and how important they are for pollination. We learned how to look after one if we see it struggling in the garden and we found out that there are lots of variety of bees. We also investigated other insects and we wore some special glasses that showed us how insects see. We dressed up for the day and had a great time.
We enjoyed exploring bubbles and watched as they blew away. We tried to see who could blow the biggest bubble and if anyone could catch one without popping it.
April 2022
This month we have been looking at life cycles of plants and animals and we have received our caterpillars. They are growing fast and it wont be long until they are in a chrysallis. We are excited to see them develop into butterflies. We also planted some seeds and can’t wait to see them grow.
March 2022
This month saw us inviting parents into school for Mothers Day crafts. The children sang a song and made some keepsakes for someone special in their family.
February 2022
This month we have been using the language of length and pattern. We have compared the length of different items and discussed if it was longer/shorter or the same length. We looked at patterns and talked about repeating patterns. We started off by copying a simple pattern but very soon we were able to make our own AB repeating pattern using different colours, different objects and different sizes. We have enjoyed exploring pattern using natural materials.
We also enjoyed a visit from the PCSO. They talked to us about their job and what they do. They also took all of our fingerprints and handprints. We really enjoyed their visit.
January 2022
We have been having lots of fun this month. We have been playing reading games, where we had to read some CVC words and then find the objects somewhere in the classroom. We have loved making obstacle courses for Superheroes. We read George saves the world by Lunchtime and loved finding out about recycling, reducing and re-using. The children loved going on a litter pick around our local area. We collected and recycled lots of things. We have continued to enjoy role play and making things in our Creative area. This last week has been all about Chinese New Year. We had a great time making a dragon and doing our own dragon dance.
We enjoyed some snow at the beginning of January and decided to turn it different colours. We used paint and food colouring to dye the snow. We had lots of fun trying to build with it too but it didn’t last long. We continue to practise out Action Words within school and we have seen a massive difference in their quick recall of some of these words which is helping them become more fluent in their reading. We have enjoyed making maps of zoos and of local places. We wrote labels for the different animal enclosures too. Some children decided to make the Angel of The North and put it on their map. We looked at photos of it and some of us made it in the Creative Area too.
December 2021
This week we have had lots of fun. We have visited the Winter Wonderland in our outdoor classroom. We have had our Christmas party with lots of fun games and music. We even met Santa at the Town Hall and we told him what we want for Christmas.
This week we have been decorating the classroom with Christmas decorations. We have enjoyed pretending we are elves and Santa and we have wrapped lots of presents in our elves workshop. we enjoyed decorating small trees with pipe cleaners, stones, sequins and more.
November 2021
This week we have been looking at the language of ‘more than’ and ‘fewer.’ We have talked about which ladybirds had more spots and which had fewer. We then matched them up to the correct numbered leaves. We have also been practising reading our Action words through playing a bowling game. We had lots of fun trying to hit the bottles.
This week we have been learning about Diwali and talking about the story and how it is celebrated. We enjoyed making Diva lamps out of clay and Mehndi patterns using different materials. It was also Remembrance Day this week and the children were so good at sitting quietly for our 2 minute silence. We also enjoyed lots of Poppy activities.
October 2021
We had a great Halloween day this week and all of the children looked fabulous in their costumes. We have a potion den in our role play area and children enjoyed working in here, adding ingredients and mixing potions. We have even had a go at writing our own potions too. We have also been practising our Fine Motor Skills through hammering golf tees into pumpkins. Some children showed an interest in colour mixing and we practised mixing colours and making sure we have the right amounts. The children showed good independent skills.
We have had a lovely week.
This week we have been finding sounds in the water, matching pairs of socks and talking about how 2 socks make a pair. We found it a little tricky to count pairs rather than the amount of objects e.g. counted 10 when there were 5 pairs. We also talked about the features of our faces and we looked at a book called Funny Faces. We then used different objects to make faces. we really enjoyed this activity and even went outside and found sticks, conkers and leaves to make faces with.
This week we have looked at making and building things. The children enjoyed dressing up and using the building tools to make houses and shops. They were encouraged to draw their buildings before making them. We stuck them up to remind us what they needed to look like.
We also carried on with developing our Gross Motor Skills. We had to work hard to push the sponge to make extra bubbles in the water tray. We had lots of fun.
This week we have been working on our Gross Motor Skills. We decided to set up an obstacle course outside. Lots of children joined in and we talked about making it bigger and better. Later in the week, some children made their own obstacle courses using the equipment. We all had a brilliant time.
We enjoyed using big paintbrushes to make marks in paint on the paper. We practised writing some of our sounds.
September 2021
This week we have begun to learn our sounds. We have been taught m, a, s, d and t. We have been looking for these sounds around the classroom and outdoors. The children have loved challenging themselves to find 5 or more. This is something you can encourage when you are at home or outside. We have also been practising forming the letters correctly which is a tricky job. They have all worked hard on this so keep it up at home too.
We have been looking at pictures of things and talking about what we can see and how we see it. We have then looked at sticks and leaves outside and grouped them. We have used language like longest, longer, short etc to describe what we can see. We enjoyed looking at and grouping some shells. We noticed that some shells looked the same and we then talked about similarities and differences between them.
We have also enjoyed being creative with large and small boxes this week. We have been working on our independent skills when cutting and using the cellotape.
This week we have been enjoying the lovely weather outside. We decided to put on a show on our stage. The children made instruments and ribbons to dance and sing. They had a fabulous time. We even made invitations for others to come and watch.
We also enjoyed Mr Football sessions on the MUGA and the field. We were learning to throw and catch as well as dribble a small ball with some control. All of the children tried very hard in these sessions.
Settling In
Reception have enjoyed their first few weeks in school and have settled in well. Here are a few photos to show you what we have been up to.