Class 1/2 R 2020-2021

Welcome to Class 1/2 R – Miss Robson

Welcome to our Class page. Here you will find important information about our Class routines, curriculum and general information. We will also keep you updated about the amazing activities we have been getting up to at school. Please scroll down to keep up to date with our class blog.

Children will be taught to read through daily Read, Write, Inc. lessons, individual reading sessions and guided reading. Children will bring home school reading books to practice reading at home. Please read regularly with your children at home and use their Daily Homework Dairy to communicate with the class teacher. We would ask parents to initial their child’s reading log on the days they have heard their child read and add a comment if they would like to. Children who have read at home will receive class charts points to reward their work each week.

Read 3 times = 1 point

Read 5 or more times = 3 points

Also, check out Epic and Teach Your Monster to Read and sign up for free access to an online library of e-books.

Daily Homework Diary

All children have their own Daily Homework Diary. In this diary, staff will record when they have read with your child and will let you know the spelling pattern and Maths focus for the week, along with a practical activity children can complete at home to support their learning. We do not need your child to bring in evidence of their work but would like you to sign the task if they have completed it. As always, if your child has produced something they are very proud of and would like to share it with their teacher we would love to see it. All tasks that are signed off as completed by parents / carers will be awarded with a class charts point.

There is also a space for parents to write a note to the teacher if they need to. Please ensure that your child hands in their diary to allow teachers to read and respond to any messages as soon as possible.

PE – children should bring their full PE kit every Monday and leave it in school throughout the week in case of any extra PE activities. Please name all of your child’s kit. No jewellery – earrings must be removed either by the child or before they come into school. Please make sure that your child has the correct PE Kit:

  • Black shorts, white t-shirt and trainers
  • No football or sports tops please.

If your child is going to be taking part in outdoor PE lessons we will inform you so that you can send appropriate clothing and footwear.

2020 – 2021


Class 1/2R Archive

An archive of previous years can be found here.