Modern Foreign Languages, is carefully planned sequences of learning allow children a wealth of opportunities to develop knowledge and skills and to become thoughtful, articulate and respectful as we nurture aspiring well-rounded global citizens. Children are not only taught vocabulary, they are also exposed to a wealth of knowledge, experiences and skills linked to learning cultural, geographical, religious facts about countries from around the world. This knowledge is evident through various topics taught throughout the curriculum as well as MFL which is taught discreetly. Children are offered opportunities to reflect on their own experiences and are taught how to celebrate comparisons between countries, cultures and traditions in a respectful manner, thus promoting the British Values of democracy, rule of law individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

We aim to develop children who are skilled readers, writers and mathematicians as well as fostering a broad skill set across all areas of the wider curriculum and world. We have developed our key intentions and have used these to design and develop an ambitious Springmoor Grange Curriculum for our children considering their interests, locality, strengths and areas to develop.
Within Springmoor Grange we following the Primary Languages Network scheme. Within the scheme the topics are split into stages rather than year groups.
Stage 1 – year 3
Stage 2 – year 4
Stage 3 – year 5

In all areas of our curriculum, we place an emphasis upon developing key vocabulary to help equip the children with the tools they need to immerse themselves in the subject.
Here are some important documents linked to MFL at Springmoor Grange:
Intent Statement MFL Curriculum Intent
How is MFL taught at Springmoor Grange? MFL Long Term Plan
MFL Help Sheet French Help Sheet
Assessment of MFL Personalised End Points French Cycle A